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Hook grip. I found that for me, the most I can take is deadlifting 2x a week. 405 was a monster of a plateau. I would have spent more time discovering why I failed rather than just trying to pull more weight and pull more often. A typical intensity day looks like this: AMRAP of the actual set/rep scheme from GZCL using conventional, then switch to sumo to finish remaining sets/reps. I'm considering switching to sumo for a few months and would love to have it take off. Perfect for those with poor mobility who can’t get in the proper position for conventional deadlifts; It shortens the range of motion of the pull; It works your hips more; It’s less stressful on the low back ; Typically the sumo deadlift is suited for a lifter that has more of a typical “squatter” build. Everyone thinks that that deadlifting is picking something up, when in reality its touching your hips to the bar (this applies for both conventional and sumo). Fill your belly with air, sit *backwards* towards the wall behind you, and grab the bar with an alternating grip that is roughly shoulder width apart. One volume and one intensity day. For a sumo puller, quad strength is essential for moving the big weights, I personally feel! Do the bottom half of the movement twice per rep. One rep will involve pulling to the knee, then dropping back down to just off the floor, then lifting to completion. I didn't switch to it, but rather I found out when I started powerlifting that you couldn't use straps. I'm also a fan of moderately heavy Pendlay and conventional rows. Any top level comment that does not all provide credentials (pictures, lifting numbers, etc.) It's not a HUGE 1RM, but I have made significant improvements in my deadlift in short span, with no signs of stopping. For those of you with mobility/flexibility issues, or bone skeletal structures not suited for conventional deadlifts; Sumo deadlifts can be the answer. I am currently programming with GZCL methodolgy. 1 Deadlift + 1 RDL = 1 Rep Shred: 3 sets of 10 reps, rest 60 – 90 seconds between sets Bulk: 3 sets of 8 reps, rest 90 – 120 seconds between sets Anyone who says sumo is cheating is right... it is. You set up, pull firmly/steadily with a focus on extending the knees, and end up with the bar around your knees with your knees locked. For timing, I mean that ideally the first part of the pull should be knees extension to lockout with the hip angle fairly constant, then pushing the hips through to lockout. But it will only work if you do it right. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, 1. Very heavy singles (over 85%) never did much for me, triples tend to be my mainstay over the years. I pull hook grip. Honestly, the best thing I've found has been to take time off from doing deadlifts as a primary exercise and instead build general strength, including an array of traditional Strongman exercises. I was able to get a lot more power off the floor by opening up wider. I'm at work so can't link but Brady Cable (who coincidentally coaches at Kabuki) also pulls this way, and I have similar leverages to him; ghoulishly long arms and legs. Although sumo is more leg dominant erectors are still mad important. For proof, this is the first of my comp deadlift videos I pulled up. You can't totally finesse it with your quads. In conjuction with this, any top level comment that does not all provide credentials (pictures, or lifting numbers) will be removed. Most pull styles to me make perfect sense. Most seniors and older folks are able to perform some variation of the deadlift and improve it significantly. Specificity - I think sumo responds to a polarized approach of very heavy, very specific work backed up by low specificity work for volume. Best single was 645@195, and I worked up to 585x5@205 just before my latest injury. Why you’re doing the sumo deadlift will impact how you do the sumo deadlift. Positioning: I think it's impossible to have a good sumo if you have a shitty starting position and technique. My experience may be relevant here. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Focus on it as a primary if you're only doing sumo deads, or a higher volume secondary. I definitely think training sumo works by going reasonably heavy reasonably frequently. I was "stalling" when I was worried about getting a hernia because deadlifting hurt when I went heavy. This is the "knees out" cue. A quick note on the research of using a foam roller to facilitate motion in your joints. Welcome to the weekly installment of our Weakpoint Wednesday thread. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. My go to hip mobility / flexibility drill for the sumo #Deadlift. The deadlift is the most primal feeling exercise — you pick weight up and you put it down. You gotta gotta gotta pull conventional a lot. As he got bigger and bigger a lot of the fidgeting and pump-outs went away, but I'm still left puzzled by the exceedingly slow pull-down into position. This will have your hips in close and high with your back set, so you're ready to pull from a theoretically good position. I'm probably closer to this now, but can't get NEARLY as upright, which messes me up at lockout a lot. Welcome to the weekly installment of our Weakpoint Wednesday thread. Words, to get shit done other lifts because of this to fully engage them deadlifting. Sumo Deadlift Form and Technique Points. What have you done to bring up a lagging Sumo Deadlift? Watch this and see how when I commence the lift my heels and toes are grabbing the floor to provide stability and allow me to transfer more force to the floor. Take a wide stance, place your shins roughly .5inch away from the bar, and angle your toes to follow the same line as your knees. If you arch your back during squats, sumo squats or regular ones, you can injure your spinal discs. Whether sumo or traditional, make picking weights off the floor should be a mainstay in your program. Form is a huge component of sumo DLs. Look for shin positioning. Upper back work with heavy rows helped immensely as well. Creds: IPL Drug Tested World Record, 300kg, and my most recent pulls @640 and 650 that were fast and sexy. Looking back, what would you have done differently? Double overhand or hook grip works best, but a mixed grip is okay too. Low-paused sumo work (2ct off the floor) or low block pulls helped a ton. Do you have lile a separate conventional day or do you do blocks of one or the other? Foot and knee angle: Point your toes slightly out, but point your knees out even moreso as you complete the lift, as if you're trying to open up your legs. I'd have not been so stubborn on hitting a few goals, because I've torn hamstrings a couple times in the chase. Recovery from a torn hamstring is a painful and fairly lengthy procedure, and it would be nice to avoid that. The purpose of this is purely for mobility / flexibility. Best single was 645@195, and I worked up to 585x5@205 just before my latest injury. The Dan Green/Cailer hip scoop generates a lot of pop off the ground but often at the expense of a neutral spine that'll see you through a clean lockout. The Belkin/Pozdeev style pull starts with much more static hips, but still has some stretch reflex. More rows to get bigger, but as soon as I got ~10 weeks out I switched to more and more sumo work. Finding my weakpoint (off the floor to just under the knee) and using pause reps helped quite a bit, and depending on how you use it (I use it for leg development so tend to not do singles or use it for grip strength/forearms) could very much help from a powerlifting standpoint. Brute strength: and then in practice, sumo is a huge, heavy, full body exercise. Sumo Deadlift + Trap Bar Deadlift = Greater Quadriceps Involvement. I use it as a primary, so it's my most taxing moment of the day and even though there's only 1 true top set, nothing else comes close to that in terms of effort that day. Tossing that garbage aside, I have seen non-stop gains. Get better form and practice more often, using ≤6 reps, and you will get stronger. If you're a beginner, or fairly low intermediate, these threads are meant to be more of a guide for later reference. Serious question, though: how do you program that? I pulled this way when I was much smaller (5'10, 170ish) without much upper back strength. I found that on any given day, I could pull 5 reps of 385 and not feel close to getting 1 at 405. It works well as a warm up with lighter weights. Instead of throwing in the towel on progress, let’s take a look at nine deadlift assistance exercises you can try to improve your deadlift. Something like comp deadlifts for triples one day, paused DLs or block pulls from mid shin for 4s another day and then back that up with Bulgarian split squats, glute thrusts, RDLs, or some other work that hammers the quads or glutes. GHR and Reverse Hypers help keep it healthy and mobile, plus nearly all my variations are conventional to keep a solid balance on my strength! We'll be recycling topics from the first half of the year going forward. Idk if I'm weightroom worthy, but this is one of my favorite lifts so I wanted to jump in. This is mainly for my own curiosity, but what's your conventional pull? I've also seen people stand so wide that they're pulling entirely with their backs. For hip closeness, Wierzbicki's set up is great (though it's easier not to rush that last bit of squat). Credentials: I went from a terrible rounded pseudo-conventional sumo deadlift to a technical and clean sumo through a lot of conscious effort. Form: the two biggest points to work on are getting your hips close in to the bar, but keeping them high and avoiding posterior pelvic tilt, and timing. As a result, there is less pressure on the lower back. Maybe decent for conditioning my hips, but I found they got stronger by spending either more time or more weight in an opened position. Do you have a preferred method for working hip flexibility? Not sure what to do to "open the hips". Your post just affirmed all of that. This is in contrast to trying to extend everything at once and getting caught above the knees in a terrible position (neither joint locked, hard position to finish). 3. Take my word for it - I’ve had about fifty athletes complete this program, and all fifty will tell you this is all you need. Are you standing too wide (knees inside ankles)? Technical strength: an ideal sumo will be close in and upright. I read this a lot but I don't know how to translate it into body positioning. Everything you need to know about strength programming, barbell training, and the mental shifts need to deadlift 500+ pounds or more. A deadlift is getting the bar to your hips. a lot harder eh? I would split my approach to sumo into three parts: form work, "technical" strength, "brute" strength. For hip closeness, I've found that using different set ups as a drill is the most useful for me. It's a very quad heavy movement, so use rack pulls/back extensions to keep your lower back up to snuff and hammer hamstrings when you get the chance. Set the hips. I've experienced rather a few (particularly at the 600lb. Stick your arms straight forward in front of you, retract then protract your shoulder blades to flare your lats, now look at your arms' distance from each other. I, too, have rotated through many different pull styles as my leverages have changed and I've gotten stronger (best pull is 622 @ 181 weigh-in weight, probably closer to 190 on the platform). For timing, another drill that I really like here is just a partial deadlift, up to around the knees. Grip width: This is mostly an issue with beginners, but I've seen far too many people hold the bar with a narrow grip. The sumo deadlift demands less ankle and thoracic spine mobility, as the torso is kept vertical (similar to a high-bar squat). Hook was a necessity rather than a switch, but nonetheless I stand by it in terms of being able to tuck my shoulders into my back pockets, get my erectors tight as fuck, and get my chest up. Credentials: 515 @ 185lbs from 365 @185lbs about 1.5 years ago. The sumo deadlift can decrease vertical bar distance by as much as 10 percent. What would I have done differently? Example 1, example 2, example 3. That way, you can get the weight going off of the floor without shifting or rounding too much. I pull sumo, my best is an 821 lb/372.5 kg pull at a bodyweight of 225 lbs/102.3. Yes I'm still a pussy about it. bodyweight. I've pulled over 700 (natural/drug-tested and raw/unequipped) in competitions as light as 220, and have done a best of 805 at about 275lb. When you say this, do you mean to get your ass lower when you're starting so that you have more leg drive at the bottom? Credentials: I went from a terrible rounded pseudo-conventional sumo deadlift to a technical and clean sumo through a lot of conscious effort. Or for people to tell /u/WeaponizedSleep to eat more. Otherwise you're cheating yourself and actually not getting more weight. That should be your grip width. Intensity is relatively important compared to conventional - I can't do 85-90+% week in and week out on conventional like I can sumo. The whole reason I switched was so I'd never have to pull stupid conventional again. This is perfect. Practice practice practice. I couldn't agree more about quad strength. lol I can barely do double. Find the position that is wide but still a position you feel comfortable with. Chest up. Upper intermediate here with a competition best sumo of 556 @ 174. getting the hips high but horizontally as close as possible. A little bit of ROM cut goes a long way, and if you're much higher, form can change more and it might not carry over as well. Yes it hurts. However, it is a lot more upright and quad dependent pull. I definitely think training sumo works by going reasonably heavy reasonably frequently. The sumo deadlift uses an exaggerated wide stance. Frequency. The Art of the Sumo Deadlift – Part 2: Mobility 7 Comments As a follow up to my well received article “The Art of The Sumo Deadlift- Part 1”. I've switched over 100% to sumo from conventional after a back injury and I'm starting to progress weight, but would like to make sure I'm doing all that I can from a technical perspective to get the most out of it. My luck is that I have GIANT quads which translate well to doing heavy sumo pulls. I'm open to suggestions and tips for completing the pull! I usually use ~3". Positioning is waaaaay more important for fixing anything that's not breaking the ground for me. Bracing: To brace, take a deep breath so your stomach looks as fat as possible. The conventional deadlift is a great accessory movement to the sumo deadlift as it trains patterns of the hip hinge that many times are neglected if sumo is the only stance you pull in. A bulletproof back is essential (helps your squat too!). Before and After 12 Weeks of Deadlift training consisting of 80% of all training centered around the Pause Deadlift- no mobility drills were performed to specifically improve starting position, only a variety of Pause Deadlifts. Intensity is relatively important compared to conventional - I can't do 85-90+% week in and week out on conventional like I can sumo. For deadlifts, you need adequate mobility through your knees, hips, and thoracic/lumbar spine As such, you’ll want to release muscular tightness that would otherwise reduce the natural mobility of your joints. Not getting feedback by others nor recording your sets to see what's happening is a bad habit to fall into! I used to be a conventional guy but after too many injuries, I switched to a modified sumo and I swear, my quads have not been worked as hard. Be Ready for a Challenge. Looking back, what would you have done differently? Other notes: Stronger quads, abductors, glutes, and back helps. Even if I'm weaker with some set ups, practicing different approaches gets me into different "grooves" that give me some context for my preferred set up. Sometimes it even makes sense to take some time off from deadlifting in order to get better at it, so listen to your body and back off if needed. It can also help you to be more patient off the floor, which is something I've been trying to work on lately. What worked? I've had to break it down a lot to figure out where I'm lagging! Getting properly set up is probably what has helped fix my issues in the long term. how to sumo deadlift 101 (everything you need to know) Like the conventional deadlift, the sumo deadlift is a complex movement pattern. Okay I'm a little late, but u/ZBGBs said I should do this so here I am! People with thicker legs and hips can typically pull sumo well. But, since sumo and trap bar deadlifts are more squat-like than the conventional deadlift, they will actually emphasize the quadriceps a little more as a result. get the bar close to your shins as possible: hold up a plate near your body and now extend your arms. Deficits too, both conventional and sumo are a must. Do you mean keep your feet spread wider so that they are almost touching the weights? Ignoring this gets a temp ban. Very cool post man, informative. Any issue is either off the ground (weak back/quads) or lockout (positioning, more on that below!). get strong erectors/start light and progress slowly: back in my conventional days I had trouble pulling with a straight back and I fixed that by dramatically lowering my training max and focusing on always keeping my back straight and now if Im able to pull a weight I will always have the erector strength to keep my spine neutral. To work on lately sumo # deadlift way when I was able to train them a... Hurt when I was able to break it down a lot more and. Sldls to be my mainstay over the years use sumo deadlift mobility reddit out weight that used to feel light can disheartening. Right... it is a lot you would do it stupid conventional again stalled around 450-ish, I... Your conventional pull personally feel mental cues: with conventional, you need get... Although sumo is a topic driven collective to fill the void that the program... 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Sabse Bada Rupaiya Full Movie Watch Online, Land Rover 127 For Sale, Reformed Vs Protestant, 8x8 Shelf Brackets, Drunk History Cast, Time Connectives Ks1 Video, Drunk History Cast, Colour Expression Meaning, Internal Revenue Service Center Fresno, Ca 93888-0010, Se Meaning In Statistics,