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scala optimization techniques

Thus, to turn the state Int's foreground-color light green, you first zero out 4th to the 12th bit, and then set the 4th, 5th and 7th bits to 1. This optimizer is based on functional programming construct in Scala. The only other while loop is in .overlayAll which, although used in .overlay, doesn't seem to affect the benchmarks much at all. Terms of service • Privacy policy • Editorial independence, Get unlimited access to books, videos, and. 2.1. From Scala source files to optimized JavaScript code, there are a few steps which are described in this document. Hence, by looking up the Attr via it's applyMask >> offset, we are able to keep the lookup to a relatively integer, in the hundreds. That means that applying a set of Attrs to the current state Int is always just three integer instructions: And thus much faster than any design using structured data like Set objects and the like. Query optimization can greatly improve both the productivity of developers and the performance of the queries that they write. The software is Free and Open Source under an MIT License. From this profile, we can see where the time is going when we run our code: And from there, you figure out ways to make the code run faster. The following is not meant to be a complete list, just a few practical observations that might help you: Yes, replacing a for loop by a while is faster, even with Scala 2.10. Let everyone know in the comments below! One important difference is that in the case of gcd, we see thatthe reduction sequence essentially oscillates. As a simple example, suppose we have the following three node classes for a very simple expression language: 1. The book is only 274 pages so it can feel pretty small. On the other hand we can see that Parsing has slowed down by a factor of 2x, and Splitting and Substring seem to have slowed down by a actor of ~12x! Using a UDF implies deserialization to process the data in classic Scala and then reserialize it. How to read Avro Partition Data? Do you need to design your application to avoid doing redundant work? If you enjoyed the contents on this blog, you may also enjoy Haoyi's book Hands-on Scala Programming. You can easily define objects and values in the Scala REPL: and ask JProfiler how big they are via it's Biggest Objects tab: Spending a few minutes running this over and over on a range of string lengths using different kinds of strings, we can quickly see how much memory is being taken up by various data structures: It turns out that the case class/Map representation of a Str.State takes ~6.3 times as much memory as the bit-packed version! Sync all your devices and never lose your place. Subskills. You will learn 20+ techniques and optimization strategies. The storage, on the other hand, can be maintained well by utilizing serialized RDD storage. gcd(14, 21)is evaluated as follows: Now, consider factorial: factorial(4)is evaluated as follows: What are the differences between the two sequences? Scala in Action. All this ultimately helps in processing data efficiently. As we make progress, the profile changes, and hopefully the code gets faster each time. Is that acceptable? red being \u001b[31m, underlined \u001b[4m, and remove all of them before being counting the length. But it moves fast and covers a lot of ground with Scala performance. Again we have a bunch of noise, but it seems that Rendering has gotten a good amount slower: maybe about 25%. This includes. First, consider gcd, a method that computes the greatest common divisor oftwo numbers. Hands-on workshop No hands-on. Optimization techniques There are several aspects of tuning Spark applications toward better optimization techniques. For example, if you want to take an Ansi-colored java.lang.String and find out how many printable characters are in it, the most common way is to use a regex to remove all the Ansi escapes e.g. Strategic Scala Style: Practical Type Safety Strategic Scala Style: Designing Datatypes. 2. Bold takes the first bit, reversed the second bit, underlined the third bit. At its core, Fansi is currently built on three data-structures: If you want to follow along with the version of the code used for this post, take a look at the source on github: This is the main representation of a colored string. If you are dealing with a Set or Map which is the bottle-neck within your program, it's worth considering whether you can replace it with a BitSet or even just a plain old Int or Long. transform takes the decoration-state as a argument and returns the decoration-state after these Attrs have been applied. It is based on functional programming construct in Scala. times faster, and have made it take ~6.3x less memory to store its data-structures. We will look at how we can also tune this for optimized performance. the speed of the actual parser and the speed of the output-string-generation as part of the benchmark, while Overlay is almost entirely bottlenecked on the Attrs#transform operations. Apart from making the code faster, the micro-optimizations described above have also made it less idiomatic, more verbose, and also harder to extend. Hence, the resetMask of Attrs tells you which bit-ranges need to be cleared in order for the Attrs to be applied, and the applyMask tells you what those bit-ranges will get set to. This is a custom-written trie. New node types are defined in Scala as subclasses of the TreeNode class. Spark RDD Optimization Techniques Tutorial. Measuring memory usage in Java is somewhat tedious, but any modern Java profiler (e.g. Typically, when you are micro-optimizing a library like Fansi, you spend time with a profiler and see what takes up the most time. If it's taking 300ms out of the 600ms that our webserver takes to generate a response, is it worth it then? One optimization that is present in Fansi.scala is the character-trie at the bottom of the file, Trie[T]: This is used to make prefix-matching of the various Ansi escape codes much faster: matching can be done in O(number-of-characters), regardless of how many different patterns need to be matched, and is done in a single iteration over the characters without needing to do any hashing or string-comparisons. 13 hours ago How to write Spark DataFrame to Avro Data File? If you want to try it on your own hardware, check out the code from Github and run fansiJVM/test yourself. Delta Lake on Azure Databricks can improve the speed of read queries from a table by coalescing small files into larger ones. Catalyst Optimizer supports both rule-based and cost-based optimization. Exercise your consumer rights by contacting us at donotsell@oreilly.com. Creativity is one of the best things about open source software and cloud computing for continuous learning, solving real-world problems, and delivering solutions. Maybe you can't, but if you can, it could be a quick win and may well be enough! Get Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics now with O’Reilly online learning. Although allocating this array costs something, it's the Attr.categories vector only has 5 items in it, so allocating a 5-element array should be cheap. For distributed environment- and cluster-based ... Take O’Reilly online learning with you and learn anywhere, anytime on your phone and tablet. See the linked talk in the comments for details on that. There are a number of usages: This is a relatively straightforward change; it makes the code considerably shorter, and is probably what most Scala programmers would do if they were implementing this themselves. . These are loops that would have been for-loops in a language like Java, but unfortunately in Scala for-loops are slow and inefficient. The L-BFGS method approximates the objective function locally as a quadratic without evaluating the second partial derivatives of the … I posted it here because I am looking for practical and scala-specific advice and not theorical and generic optimization advice. JProfiler) should do it just fine. Welcome to the fourteenth lesson ‘Spark RDD Optimization Techniques’ of Big Data Hadoop Tutorial which is a part of ‘Big Data Hadoop and Spark Developer Certification course’ offered by Simplilearn. If you think speeding it up from 600ms to 300ms will increase profits, then by all means. The first step of making this "idiomatic" or "typical" Scala is to replace all our usage of System.arraycopy and java.util.Arrays. Spark Optimization Techniques. In this section, we will discuss how we can further optimize our Spark applications by applying … - Selection from Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics [Book] For example, we may use JProfiler and pull up a profile that looks like this: This is the profile for the un-optimized version of Fansi. The result optimization is typically between 150 KB and a few hundreds of KB. In Functional Programming, Simplified, Alvin Alexander defines a pure function like this:. In this section, we will discuss how we can further optimize our Spark applications by applying … - Selection from Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics [Book] This post will use the Fansi library as a case-study for what benefits you get from micro-optimizing Scala: swapping out elegant collection transformations for raw while-loops over mutable Arrays, elegant case classs for bit-packed integers. Nevertheless, sometimes you find your code is spending a significant amount of time in one section, and you want it to spend less. Attribute(name: String):an attribute from a… 13 hours ago How to write Spark DataFrame to Avro Data File? If it's some internal webpage that someone looks at once every-other week, then maybe not. In comparison, the bit-packed version take only ~1.3 times as much memory as the colored java.lang.Strings. If our code is taking 0.1ms out of a batch process that takes 10 minutes to run, it's certainly not worth bothering to optimize. In the case of Fansi, after optimization the above profile turns into: At which point, all our time is being spent inside this render method, and not in any other helpers or auxiliary code. However the .applyMask itself is a bit-mask that could correspond to a relatively large integer, e.g. In this course, we cut the weeds at the root. The function’s output depends only on its input variables; It doesn’t mutate any hidden state The next micro-optimization we can try removing is the local categoryArray variable: This was introduced to make the while-loop going over the Attr.categories vector faster inside the render method. Furthermore, all these operations are implemented as fast System.arraycopys and Arrays.copyOfRanges: Which perform much faster than copying the data yourself using a for-loop or Scala collections operations like .drop and .take. In general, even when performance is "fast enough", you an often benefit from parts of your code having higher performance: if you don't need the speed, you can often trade off speed against convenience. Similarly, library-users cannot define their own Categorys: all Categorys must fit nicely into the single 32-bit integer that is available. These numbers are expected to vary, especially with the simplistic micro-benchmarking technique that we're doing, but even so the change in performance due to our changes should be significant enough to easily see despite the noise in our measurement. In the depth of Spark SQL there lies a catalyst optimizer. 13 hours ago How to read a dataframe based on an avro schema? The most popular Spark optimization techniques are listed below: 1. Perhaps replacing: That is to say, rather than trying to fit everything into bits, storing it as a proper map of Category to Attr, ensuring that we only have one Attr for any given category. After the implementation of various optimization techniques, the … Typically, we would reach for a Map[String, T] first. Not as large or obvious as the earlier change, but not nothing either. Tries are great data-structures. Updated: October 12, 2020. And ~8.5 times as much memory as the colored java.lang.Strings. You do not need to re-architect your application, implement a persistent caching layer, design a novel algorithm, or make use of multiple cores for parallelism. Share on … You’ll get some tips for code optimization but many of the techniques cover system-level changes like distributed systems, caching platforms, and … Optimization Techniques; Learning Objectives: Understand various optimization techniques like Batch Gradient Descent, Stochastic Gradient Descent, ADAM, RMSProp. This doesn't quite make all the tests pass - the out-of-bounds behavior changes since .take and .drop and .slice are more forgiving than their java.util counterparts. A typical library or application likely won't see the same kind of speedups that Fansi did for so little work: often the time spent is spread over much more code and not concentrated in a few loops in a tiny codebase, like the Fansi benchmarks were. Catalyst optimization allows some advanced programming language features that allow you to build an extensible query optimizer. Spark optimization techniques are used to modify the settings and properties of Spark to ensure that the resources are utilized properly and the jobs are executed quickly. To a user, that's something turning from "instant" to "noticeable lag". The result optimization is typically between 150 KB and a few hundreds of KB. Not only does it take up less memory, but bitwise operations on Ints or Longs are going to be much, much, much faster than any methods you could call on a Set or a Map. The main data type in Catalyst is a tree composed of node objects. That's a huge slowdown for using .slice and .take and .drop instead of Arrays.copyOfRange. One of the most important aspects is garbage collection, and it's tuning if you have written your Spark application using Java or Scala. For rendering any non-trivial Str the speed up from faster iteration would outweigh the cost of allocating that array. choosing efficient algorithms, caching things, or parallelizing things) that often … The combined result of these 6 optimizations: As you can see, the combination of micro-optimizations makes the common operations in the Fansi library anywhere from ~7.6x to ~37.9x (!) L-BFGS is an optimization algorithm in the family of quasi-Newton methods to solve the optimization problems of the form minw ∈ Rdf(w). The only benchmark that hasn't changed is the Concat benchmark of the ++ operation: I guess Array#++ is already reasonably efficient and there's no speed-up to be had. For RDD cache() default storage level is ‘MEMORY_ONLY‘ but, for DataFrame and Dataset, default is ‘MEMORY_AND_DISK‘ On Spark UI, the Storage tab shows where partitions exist in memory or disk across the cluster. Literal(value: Int): a constant value 2. Bit-packing is a technique that is often ignored in "high level" languages like Scala, despite having a rich history of usage in C++, C, or Assembly programs. O’Reilly members experience live online training, plus books, videos, and digital content from 200+ publishers. The actual change to implement this idea is somewhat long - a lot of code in Fansi touches the Str.State in various ways and needs to be tweaked! Data Serialization in Spark. With the techniques you learn here you will save time, money, energy and massive headaches. As always it depends: how much does your response time matter? This is slow to run, and error prone: if you forget to remove them, you end up with subtle bugs where you're treating a string as if it is 27 characters long on-screen but it's actually only 22 characters long since 5 characters are an Ansi color-code that takes up no space. If you want to browse the code, in the state where this exercise kicks off from, take a look at the commit in the Fansi repository: If you want to follow along with the changes we're making, download the git bundle: And git clone fansi.bundle on the downloaded file to get your own personal checkout of the Fansi repository, as is used in this post: Correspond to the 7 stages being described in this post: You can install SBT and run sbt fansiJVM/test to run the test suite and benchmarks yourself. The applyMask is a unique ID for each Attr, and no two Attrs will share it. Posted 2016-05-30. Optimize data storage for Apache Spark; Optimize data processing for Apache Spark; Optimize memory usage for Apache Spark; Optimize HDInsight cluster configuration for Apache Spark; Next steps. It goes from one call t… In addition, exploring these various types of tuning, optimization, and performance techniques have tremendous value and will help you better understand the internals of Spark. This post will demonstrate the potential benefit of micro-optimizations, and how it can be a valuable technique to have in your toolbox of programming techniques. "Micro-optimization" is normally used to describe low-level optimizations that do not change the overall structure of the program; this is as opposed to "high level" optimizations (e.g. as part of a script that's called many times or a webserver that's taking many requests. These tools, and others like them, can be used to make it run faster: While these techniques are often looked down upon in programming circles - with attitudes ranging from "the computer is fast enough" to "the JIT compiler will take care of it" - hopefully this post demonstrates that they still can have a powerful effect, and deserve a place in your programmer's toolbox. Scala: Mathematical Optimization Time for a math lesson! In each of the following articles, you can find information on different aspects of Spark optimization. In general, if you find yourself dealing with Map[Int, T]s, if you can figure out a way to keep the Ints you're looking up in the map small then using an Array would be a lot faster. Tags: optimization, spark. The last, and perhaps most significant micro-optimization that we are going to remove, is the use of bit-packed Ints to implement the Str.State type. After that, the Foreground Color of the text takes up the next 9 bits (16 base colors + 256 extended-colors), and the Background Color the 9 bits after that. It’s one of the cheapest and most impactful performance optimization techniques you can use. In order to provide a realistic setting for this post, I'm going to use the Fansi library as an example. If it's taking 9 minutes out of the 10 minutes a process takes to run, it's more likely to be worth it. Although it only took about 50 characters to implement, it isn't something that a typical Scala programmer would reach for out of the box. While not changing the asymptotic performance at all, we will show an order-of-magnitude improvement in performance and memory-footprint, and demonstrate the place that these techniques have in a Scala codebase. Intermediate. Here's an implementation of gcdusing Euclid's algorithm. The goal of Fansi is to make such mistakes impossible, and to have such simple operations behave as you'd expect with regard to colors: The Fansi documentation has a lot more to say about why Fansi exists, but this should have given you a flavor of the problem it's trying to solve. The optimizer can also be called programmatically using the class ScalaJSClosureOptimizer in the Scala… Maths for Optimization; Optimization Strategies; Delivery Type: Theory. To measure baseline performance, before removing any optimizations, we first have to benchmark a few basic operations. A more "idiomatic" implementation would be using some kind of case class with different fields representing the different categories of attributes that can take effect, or perhaps a Map[Category, Attr] to ensure that we only ever have one Attr in place for each Category. That's something turning from "noticeable lag" to "annoying delay". As optimization techniques are used in analytics and for simulation optimization, many optimization algorithms are also provided. One bit of unusual code is the val lookupAttrTable: Array[Attr] that's part of the Category class, The purpose of this method is to make it quick to look up an Attr based on its .applyMask. And as expected, the uncolored java.lang.String containing 12000 Chars takes 24kb, since in Java each Char is a UTF-16 character and takes 2 bytes. . A first feature Scala offers to help you write functional code is the ability to write pure functions. Skills ML. The benefit of this data-structure is that doing operations on the Str is really fast and easy: Without having to worry about removing Ansi codes first, or having our colors get mixed up as we slice and concatenate them. Data Serialization From Scala source files to optimized JavaScript code, there are a few steps which are described in this document. choosing efficient algorithms, caching things, or parallelizing things) that often require broader changes to your code. Equivalently, it's a huge 12x speedup for using Arrays.copyOfRange instead of .slice, .take and .drop! The Fansi library has already been optimized, and thus I have already gone through this process, identified the various bottlenecks, and optimized them one by one. We dive deep into Spark and understand what tools you have at your disposal - and you might just be surprised at how much leverage you have. There are two possibilities: In this case, it is the latter, and we are done micro-optimizing render. This starts becoming significant if you are running it over and over, e.g. If you’re interested in other Scala-related articles based on the experiences of Threat Stack developers, have a look at the following: Useful Scala Compiler Options, Part 2: Advanced Language Features; My Journey in Scala, Part 1: Awakenings; My Journey in Scala, Part 2: Tips for Using IntelliJ IDEA Spark automatically includes Kryo serializers for the many commonly-used core Scala classes covered in the ... (a byte array) per RDD partition. In this case, the mistake was that we used Console.RESET at the end of the snippet we're splicing, without considering the fact that the larger-string may already have a color that we need to re-enable after inserting our snippet. 5 days ago how create distance vector in pyspark (Euclidean distance) Oct 16 How to implement my clustering algorithm in pyspark (without using the ready library for example k-means)? Thus, this post will take the opposite tack: We will start off with a tour of the already-optimized Fansi library, Discuss the internals and highlight the micro-optimizations that are meant to make Fansi fast. 5 days ago how create distance vector in pyspark (Euclidean distance) Oct 16 How to implement my clustering algorithm in pyspark (without using the ready library for example k-means)? In this section, we will discuss how we can further optimize our Spark applications by applying data serialization by tuning the main memory with better memory management. At all points throughout this post, as the various optimizations are removed one by one, the full test suite is passing. The .render method serializes this into a single java.lang.String with Ansi escape-codes embedded. Unlike all the other changes we made earlier, this one actually changes the representation of the data-structure. One consideration is that these sorts of micro-optimizations are often "easy" to apply. 3.0.1. Furthermore, catalyst optimizer in Spark offers both rule-based and cost-based optimization as well. mitigating OOMs), but that’ll be the purpose of another article. If your library is "fast enough, if you're careful" then you'll need to think about those things. Do you think about re-computing things unnecessarily, or computing things and then throwing them away? Optimization techniques There are several aspects of tuning Spark applications toward better optimization techniques. This is a tiny library that I wrote to make it easier to deal with color-coded Ansi strings: This library exists because dealing with raw java.lang.Strings with Ansi escape codes inside is troublesome, slow and error-prone. 2. Let's see how to calculate minimum or maximum values of equations in Scala with some help from the Optimus library. This is a new library that was extracted from the codebase of the Ammonite-REPL, and has been in use (in some form) by thousands of people to provide syntax highlighting to their Scala REPL code. If you're library is "fast enough, no need to care at all", perhaps your first-pass of redundant, inefficient code with tons of throwaway work is totally acceptable! Let’s compare the evaluation steps of the application of two recursivemethods. The applyMask and resetMask for combinations of Attrs can be computed from those of each individual Attrs object. Nevertheless, people often write for-loops naturally and only optimize it later. We’ll also look into common pitfalls to avoid as well as optimization techniques to help make our code concise as well as avoid running into errors. Given that definition of pure functions, as you might imagine, methods like these in the scala.math._package are pure functions: 1. abs 2. ceil 3. max 4. min These Scala Stringmethods are also pure functions: 1. isEmpty 2. length 3. substring Many methods on the Scala collections classes also work as pure functions, including drop, filter, and map. Debug Apache Spark jobs running on Azure HDInsight It turns out there's a memory cost too. So we can be confident that despite being implemented totally differently, the externally-visible behavior is exactly the same. Nevertheless, as this example demonstrates, it can lead to huge improvements in performance and memory-usage in the cases where it can be used. Data Serialization. The output of this function is the Spark’s execution plan which is the output of Spark query engine — the catalyst Scala: Mathematical Optimization Time for a math lesson! You are looking at the only course on the web which leverages Spark features and capabilities to the max. If you're dealing with a lot of Map[String, T]s, and find that looking up things in those maps is the bottleneck in your code, swapping in a Trie could give a great performance boost. Disable DEBUG & INFO Logging. On the other hand, other benchmarks like Concat, Splitting and Substring seem unaffected. How to read Avro Partition Data? For example, fansi.Color.LightGreen has. PROJECT 2. deconstructed the complexity of Spark in bite-sized chunks that you can practice in isolation selected the essential concepts and exercises with the appropriate complexity sequenced the topics in increasing order of difficulty so that they "click" along the way applied everything in live code Creativity is one of the best things about open source software and cloud computing for continuous learning, solving real-world problems, and delivering solutions. If you’re interested in other Scala-related articles based on the experiences of Threat Stack developers, have a look at the following: Useful Scala Compiler Options, Part 2: Advanced Language Features; My Journey in Scala, Part 1: Awakenings; My Journey in Scala, Part 2: Tips for Using IntelliJ IDEA The downside is it does not have any special properties apart from java.lang.String: it is not a Rope, it is not a Persistent Data Structure with fancy structural-sharing, none of that stuff. Iterating over an Array is faster than iterating over a Vector, and this one is in the critical path for the .render method converting our fansi.Strs into java.lang.Strings. It's now down to under a quarter of what it started off as, and even the significant noise in the measurements can't hide that. The changes we'll be seeing are large enough that they'll be obvious despite the noise in the results, but if you want to be fancy you could use JMH or similar to get more precise or reliable benchmarks. Others, like resetMask, applyMask, are more obscure. DESCRIPTION - With attributes describing various aspect of residential homes, you are required to build a regression model to predict the property prices using optimization techniques like gradient descentT. The remaining bits are un-used. Core Competencies. The colors array stores Str.States, which is really just a type-alias for Int. But, In rule-based optimization, there are set of rule to … A new extensible optimizer called Catalyst emerged to implement Spark SQL. It is the process of converting the in-memory object to another format … This is one of the simple ways to improve the performance of Spark … In Spark Optimization 1 you learned how to write performant code. You trigger compaction by running the OPTIMIZEcommand: or If you have a large amount of data and only want to optimize a subset of it, you can specify an optional partition predicate using WHERE: Readers of Delta tables use snapshot isolation, which means that they are not interrupted when OPTIMIZE removes unnecessary files from the transaction log. Scala for-loops are slow and inefficient otherwise, the bit-packed version take only ~1.3 as! Can lead to inefficient run times and system downtimes Scala-Related articles much memory as the colored java.lang.Strings @ oreilly.com the! Time for a very simple expression language: 1 will increase profits, then by all means deals with SQL!, catalyst optimizer points throughout this post, I am going to use serialized.. Performance problem, when working with the RDD API, is it worth it then it!: Practical Type Safety strategic Scala Style: Practical Type Safety strategic Scala Style: Practical Type Safety strategic Style! 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