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Most a slaves had no way of communicating with one another and had difficulty settling down in a family due to the lack of women on the farm.…, Although African slaves had strong immunity to life-threatening disease like malaria and yellow fever, untold numbers of Africans died from severe fatigue. When the American Revolution unfolded in the 1760s there were more than 460,000 Africans in colonial America, the vast majority of them slaves. What was different? What was an indentured servant - 4078111 lupenaranjo98 lupenaranjo98 06/13/2017 History High School ... apex. Indentured servants (and convicts) were not slaves, but they were chattel. However, slave laws were … I’m assuming you’re asking about the difference between indentured servitude and slavery. There are quite a few reasons why immigrants are similar to indentured servants. "Comparatively, Africans in Virginia were indentured servants until 1661, when slave laws were passed, legalizing enslavement for any free … Many African Americans were still being treated unfairly in a society that claimed they were free citizens. Were to as if a person in slavery was forced and got no choice. Indentured Servants and slaves are alike in the way that they worked. The male-servants, and slaves of both sexes, are employed together in tilling and manuring the ground, in sowing and planting tobacco, corn, etc. Female slaves and indentured servants were often the victims of aggressive male masters.” (US History.org) As we now know, men in the New World were testing the limits of their Old World loyalties almost from the get-go, but women, not so much. Slavery was an insidious practice where human beings were kidnapped, mainly from Africa, transported to North America and sold at auction. Slaves were forced to work all of the time.…, Whippings, executions, and rapes were commonplace. There is evidence to suggest that Jefferson, late in his life, fathered several children with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. They couldn’t be held more than seven years. Be that as it may, they received a fair portion of food, and a roof over their heads. Copyright: The content on this page may not be republished without our express permission. Slave. 1. Outside of the New World, for example, “in West Africa more than 20 million slaves were kidnapped and sold to Europeans” (Africans in America). They come from different parts of Africa that spoke different languages, so many of the slaves couldn’t even communicate with each other.…, After it had been declared that slavery was illegal across the United States of America, there still were many social injustices that were going on. Indentured servants were very similar to slaves in many ways because of how they lived their day to day lives, treatment, and how owners handled the situation of … Those whom lived in the Southern region would normally harvest tobacco, while in northern areas they would harvest rice. Also, slave codes had further limited the rights of blacks and ensured absolute power to their masters. “Before slavery truly became institutionalized in the colonies, some Africans were sometimes treated more like indentured servants who were freed once their service ended or … For more info, visit our FAQ page or Terms of Use. Thousands of Europeans also arrived in America as indentured servants bound to long terms of unpaid labour, usually for defaulting on debts. between indentured servitude and slavery was that the servants had the right to report abuse to the local court systems. There are crucial differences – for instance the already mentioned limits of whipping and … They could also be forced to do simple jobs around the home like cooking or cleaning for their masters. While the Indentured Servant's contract was still in effect, he or she was essentially a slave. Once purchased, the slave became the personal property of his or her owner. Log in. Date published: January 6, 2015 A slave is … Many slaves were chained to plank beds, others were shackled to walls or masts; in either case, the slaves were given little or no room to move or access to sunlight. French colonists in Canada, Louisiana and along the Mississippi valley also acquired and exploited African slaves, as well as enslaving some Native American tribes. The life of a slave revolved around work and obedience; they were often beaten by their owners or overseers if they were slow working, insolent or defiant. In cited sources ranging from […] In the early 1600s, many people in foreign countries wished to leave their homelands for various and sundry reasons. Once the indentured servant is released from his contract at the end of the term, he becomes a recognized part of the community and can own property or vote. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. Corporal punishment of indentured servants was expected for rule infractions but some servants were beaten so severely they later died. For the Colonists in Plymouth, cheap labor came in the form of indentured servants. "#CNN #News #northam New questions in History. This site was last updated on August 19th 2020. Slaves are sold by African kings and can be gathered from people who were captured from war or were imprisoned. People always say that Africans would enslave and sell themselves, now yes technically that is true but Africans had a wide variety of tribes, cultures, religions, languages, and ways of life. Indentured servants were often subject to similar mistreatment and exploitation as slaves, though unlike slaves their freedom was restored when the indenture expired. Indentured servants were not paid wages but they were generally housed, clothed, and fed. Although faced with incredibly harsh conditions, slaves were hard working, efficient, and motivated in hopes of finding fulfillment in their situation and one day, diminishing the institution that held them down (CC 288).…, Although these views both hold truth, neither of them are one hundred percent true. African slaves and indentured servants were also different because indentured servants were freed after their period of duty. Indentured servants were often subject to similar mistreatment and exploitation as slaves, though unlike slaves their freedom was restored when the indenture expired. 7-12: Compare the characteristics of free labor, indentured servitude, and chattel slavery. Perhaps the main reason so many people objected to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam calling the first 20 Africans to land in Virginia in 1619 indentured servants, and not slaves, is that they believe the conditions of slavery were so much harsher than those of indentured servitude, that calling these Africans indentured servants amounts to a cover … To understand how these people are similar the path of how they entered into, Slavery would then take over those of indentured servants and made it possible for the freedom of all white people while blacks would be the slaves. A large landed estate worked by tenant farmers and servants was rare; the typical New England farm was modest in size and the owner's family typically provided the labor to work it. As a rule, most slaves were treated humanely, which was especially due to groups like the Quakers not believing in harming other humans. How were slavery and indentured labor in the American colonies similar? Once the ship at arrived at its destination, slaves were unloaded, washed, inspected, auctioned like cattle and taken by their owners to work on cotton, tobacco, rice or indigo farms. While their conditions varied depending on location, type of work, local custom and the disposition of their owners and overseers, African American slaves endured a miserable existence, without any rights or freedoms. The first slave arrivals in the 13 colonies can be traced back to 1619, when a passing slave ship, en route to sugar plantations in the Caribbean, landed in Virginia. Indentured servants were treated much better than slaves. Ask your question. Under the Barbados code, the landowners were able to control and sole entire families of slaves.…, Many of them died from starvation or disease. Beneath the surface, this was not often the case. Slaves were also purchased in the northern colonies, albeit in much smaller numbers. Pre-Analysis: Review the chart below. While conditions varied, most African-American slaves endured a miserable existence and were subject to heavy workloads, strict restrictions, punishments and mistreatment. - 11324822 1. Laws were established protecting both the servants from mistreatment, and the masters from losing their workers to competing landowners. The workload for the slaves was heavy, as they worked from Monday at 1 A.M. to Saturday night. Comment; Complaint ; Link; Elam 2 January, 07:55. Slaves and indentured servants both made up a significant portion of the workforce during the early days of the English Colonies. indentured servants … Which of these is a reason landowners would rather have slaves than indentured servants? The exact number of indentured servants in colonial America is unclear, however, historians like Richard Hofstadter suggest that more than half the white settlers who arrived in colonial America before the revolution did so under some kind of indenture. Before the change in the system, a majority of slaves were young, African men who had been brought from Africa or the Caribbean to work on tiny, isolated farms. They were also educated, clothed, fed, and given good shelter. They were not identified as human beings and were forcefully put to hard labor. The vast majority of indentured servants were defaulters (those unable to pay debts) who were facing arrest and a long term in prison. John Hammond described indentured servant in the middle 1600's in a different light. Although both had their pros and cons, one would eventually sweep the nation and be used almost universally. American Revolution wordsearch – concepts. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. At the age of 11 George Washington inherited ten slaves from his father; by Washington’s death in 1799 there were 316 slaves working at his Mount Vernon estate. The majority of American slaves originated along the west coast of Africa. The word servant in this article refers to domestic servants and the indentured servants that were very common in American colonies in the early years. However, laws that were enacted (post Civil War era) to protect the servants’ rights removed the stigma that servants are their master’s personal property. Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter. Servant. While slaves and indentured servants had many similarities, like their purpose and how they were treated, they also had several differences, like their race and the legal status of their children. As Virginia and its neighbouring colonies expanded and claimed large tracts of land, the demand for slave labour also grew. Many servants were disfigured or disabled. Although it is uncertain of the real motivations behind slavery, some argue that it was the idea that whites are above all other races while others say that slavery had been formed strictly for economic…, Becoming lazy and not doing work risked one’s chance of getting whipped or even killed in some instances. After the Civil War, laws were changed to allow only the contracts of indentured servants, and not the servants themselves, to be considered real property. What was an indentured servant - 4078111 lupenaranjo98 lupenaranjo98 06/13/2017 History High School What was an indentured servant See answer A010 A010 A person under contract to work for another person for a definite period of time, usually without pay but in exchange for free passage to a new country. Thomas Jefferson, despite expressing criticisms of slavery and the slave trade, maintained around 200 slaves at Monticello during the revolutionary period. Servants learned a trade or skill. slaves were forced onto slave ships to come to the new world to be sold. The difference being indentured labor people got paid and agreed to work. No matter the environment, no slave wanted to be withheld of freedom and their basic human rights. Other colonies with large numbers of slaves were South Carolina (75,000, 55 per cent), North Carolina (68,000, 33 per cent), Maryland (63,000, 30 per cent), New York (19,000, 12 per cent) and Georgia (15,000, 75 per cent). It is estimated that between 1/2 to 2/3 of all immigrants during the colonial period arrived at the English colonies as indentured servants. Teh children of slave women were slaves who didn’t need to be purchased. What was different? Alfred Blumrosen, historian. Indentured servitude is a form of involuntary labor in which a person who took out a loan (an indenture) agrees to work without salary for the lender for a specific number of years. Although this decision did not overturn slavery in the colonies, its logic was not lost on southerners. Once the indentured servants had been freed they began to write about their experience they would compare their timed served as “slave” or “sent to hoe tobacco plants from dawn to dusk”. For those in the South the indentured servants and slaves would spend the majority of their day tending to the tobacco plants similar to a 9 to 5 job today but only much harder and without breaks, while those of the North had a system of do the amount of work you are told to do that day and the rest of the day is yours. conditions of slavery and indentured servitude in the English colonies. A slave by any other name is still a slave, even if they go by the innocuous name of “indentured servant.” Educator and writer Lori Garrett-Hatfield, Ph.D. of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer published a report regarding whites held in bondage, a chapter in American history that most are woefully ignorant of. 5. Slaves were slaves forever. Children of indentured servants were born free; slaves’ children were the property of their owners. Benjamin Franklin recounted how he was questioned while eloping from his apprenticeship, and that he "was suspected to be some runaway servant, Once they reached North America the slaves would then be sold to the highest bidder and be taken across the coast doing whatever their masters told them to do which could range from plantation working to construction of new towns and, Depending on where the slaves and servants lived made them have different types of jobs they may have. The vast majority of African-American slaves were found in the southern colonies. A slave can be bought, sold, left as property in a will and has no rights in society. Thousands of Europeans came to America in the 17th and 18th centuries as indentured servants – in effect, as unpaid labourers under a fixed term contract. [Compare and contrast differing labor systems] 9-12: Explain the shift from indentured servitude to chattel slavery in the southern colonies. The brutal and inhumane treatment that Africans have experienced from both their travels and work shows how the Southern economic system has caused for many lives to be destroyed. The American Revolution did not challenge the institution of slavery, at least not directly – however focus on liberty and natural rights raised many questions about the future of slavery in a land of supposedly free men. Photo: Gayle King interviews Ralph Northam. A historian’s view: How were indentured servants and slaves alike? For more information on usage, please refer to our Terms of Use. While the servant was under contract, they were forbidden to marry or conceive. URL: https://alphahistory.com/americanrevolution/slaves-indentured-servants/ There was no contract, and there was no end date of being a slave. 1. Slavery retained its legal status, however, and there was no significant abolitionist movement until after the revolution. Since slavery was for life, a slave provided more years of work. Pre-Analysis: Review the chart below. Historically speaking, before the American Civil War, both indentured servants and slaves were regarded as the property of the master or the owner. Start studying Slaves vs indentured servants. Indentured servants were bought and sold but they weren’t examined like they were animals as the slaves were. The cargo holds of Atlantic slave ships were filled to bursting, often containing hundreds of people in a small space. Female indentured servants in particular might be raped and/or sexually abused by their masters. Indenture of James Bracken. They were given better housing and, upon release, often given food and some property. Being private property, slaves could be sold off at the master’s whim, causing the separation of families and communities. Slaves were forced to labour for six days a week, often from dawn to sundown. Ralph Northam (D-VA) used the term "indentured servants" while referring to enslaved Africans on CBS News' "Face the Nation. Indentured Servitude and Slavery Objective How did indentured servitude compare to slavery? slaves worked against their will, indentured servants worked willingly. 5 points boni171999p5n6yl Asked 10.11.2018. Title: “Slaves and indentured servants” In their time, slavery was thought of as the only way to have a flow of income, but they easily could help and do the work themselves to say they worked for their money. The idea behind there being indentured servants in Colonial America was the need for cheap labor. A variety of systems was introduced to help pay their passage to America. The system of enslavement used in America was chattel slavery, where slaves were acquired and treated as the personal property of their masters. (Companion Reader, 115) This caused the slaves to live in constant fear, they wouldn’t even attempt to do something that would cause harm to themselves. Like in New England, women were completely excluded from the political process. This was a last minute effort by slave owners to keep their "slaves" and not break laws They were not the same. The land owners looked at the fertility of slave women as productivity of slave children. Although the European indentured servants were also treated badly, they were fellow Europeans and weren’t treated as bad. Which of these is a reason plantation owners preferred to have slaves rather than indentured servants? Servants were not the same thing as slaves, of course, but the resemblance was more than passing. At the beginning of the American Revolution, there were almost a half million slaves in colonial America, the vast majority of them transported from the African continent. The success of Plymouth Colony depended on hard work and cheap labor. In light of their living conditions, slaves planned on how to free themselves. Indentured servants and slaves are alike and also different in their own ways. By the 1760s slavery was in sharp decline in the northern colonies, due to its small land holdings and a higher proportion of yeoman farmers. One could come to the assumption that slaves were unmotivated and powerless, but this is untrue. What was similar? This came with the Somerset decision in England, that freed a slave brought to London by a colonist, raising a question as to slavery’s legitimacy in the Empire. They both worked for someone else. Like slaves, servants served at the pleasure of their masters. Slavery, in any form, is … History. Indentured servitude in British America was the prominent system of labor in British American colonies until it was eventually overcome by slavery. Myth #2: The South seceded from the Union over the issue of states’ rights, not slavery. The Africans rulers did not care of selling their own kind as long as they “received taxes from foreign merchants” (Give Me Liberty 134). Treatment tended to be harsher on large plantations, which were often managed by overseers and owned by absentee slaveholders, in contrast with small slave-owning families, where the closer relationship between the owners and slaves sometimes resulted in a more humane environment (Conflict and Consensus Vol #1 286). The voyage across the Atlantic could take between four and six weeks. American Revolution contains articles, sources and perspectives on events in America between 1763 and 1789. Unlike slaves who were poorly treated. One of the main reasons that slave masters kept their salves alive was because of the hard manual labor they were able to produce.…, In the New World, slavery came based on one’s mother, but many were kidnapped too. Indentured Servitude and Slavery Using Evidence Objective How did indentured servitude compare to slavery? There were no laws for slavery in VA til 1661. Virginia had more than 185,000 slaves or around 40 per cent of its total population. He is treated like a personal property of his master or owner and he could be bought and sold like any other item. Unlike indentured servants, slaves had fewer/no rights. Slaves did not know any better, they thought they were doing a better job by getting their work done fast. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. [Challenge arguments of historical inevitability] Independence was the only solution.” Twenty of the 104 Pilgrims to arrive on the Mayflower were servants (Stratton 1986: 179). Although there are some differences between slaves and servants the similarities make them much more alike than different. Join now. In many ways, the lives of indentured servants and slaves were very similar to one another. But as the founding fathers they were better than the other men and women,…, Although, depending on master being cruel or merciful, the servants could have an extremely miserable life, and a mistake could cost them their life. The remaining slaves were promised their freedom, they could be indentured servants and work off debts, this never happened, the slaves were very angry but didn't rebel quite yet. Slaves are people who were taken into servitude by force, hence there was no way most of them could be treated like family. As a colonial employer, there were two options for labor: indentured servants and slaves. From Indentured Servitude to Racial Slavery. It contains 151,925 words in 229 pages. When these slaves, indentured servants, and apprentices made a break for freedom, they often encountered citizens willing to apprehend them for the rewards their masters offered. They were provided with basic shelter and forced to work daylight hours for six days a week. However slaves got no education, and they had to sleep in a bunk. Both groups suffered greatly from the harsh treatment their masters would do to them. We sometimes imagine that such oppressive laws were put quickly into full force by greedy landowners. How were indentured servants and slaves alike? Indentured servants could not marry without the permission of their master, were sometimes subject to physical punishment and did not receive legal favor from the courts. Most of the slaves were captured in Africa and sold to whites who owned them as their property for lives. First black Africans brought to Virginia in 1619 were indentured servants. This essay will explore the way slaves lived under their masters and how the slaves planned to escape, from either acting out and trying to maintain their dignity or attempting rebellion attempts to escape from servitude.…, Black workers were obliged to work permanently for their masters, unlike the white servants who were freed after a fixed amount of time. By paying the passage for those who wanted to come to America, and agreed to work for a set period of time, they were known as indentured servants. Some were killed by the Native Americans. The indentured servants, of course, had more hope for the future, but slaves … Many servants did not fulfill their contract terms and reach freedom due to poor living conditions, hard labor, diseases, and environmental changes. However, laws that … The Headright System and Indentured Servants by Mae Davenport Cox. While parallels do exist, indentured servants were not slaves and their plight cannot be compared to that of African slaves in the United States. Richard Ligon described a scene he witnessed where “an overseer beat a servant with a cane about the head, till the blood has followed”. Slaves and indentured servants were similar in various ways such as they worked for a master on a farm or plantation. Only about 40 percent of indentured servants lived to complete the terms of their contracts. Free African-Americans can enjoy the same rights as other US citizens. As such, many of the slaves were housed under very poor and harsh conditions, but much expected from them in terms of work put in for the master. Leaking decks and no sewage meant that slave holds were soon awash with water and human waste. Most had one thing in common: they were poor and couldn’t afford the trip. 0. both had restrictions on personal rights. What was similar? Indentured servants were freed after their period of duty and were paid to do their work. Historically speaking, before the American Civil War, both indentured servants and slaves were regarded as the property of the master or the owner. African slaves were African and the Europeans treated them like animals. On the way to be sold, the upcoming slaves would be confined to tiny places or chained.…, Indentured servants were very similar to slaves in many ways because of how they lived their day to day lives, treatment, and how owners handled the situation of runaway. Of work one thing in common: they were doing a better job by getting work! Were subject to similar mistreatment and exploitation as slaves, indentures and the workers bound by them be. Abused by their masters retained its legal status, however, despite similarities in servants and,..., Whippings, executions, and a roof over their heads this is untrue practice where human beings were,. Under contract, and the Europeans treated them like animals utilized by the end of the 17th-century slaves were differences., upon release, often from dawn to sundown work against his will days a week, containing! Or so slaves how were indentured servants and slaves alike apex forced to work against his will sexually abused by masters! 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